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25 - 26 March 2026

NEC Birmingham

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Care Campaign For The Vulnerable

CCFTV started as a family in care support network initiative to a national,  not for profit, safety in dementia care organisation. 


CCFTV are lead influencers in promoting greater transparency in all care homes, attracting  national interest and Jayne is leading media commentator on elderly social care issues.


 Jayne spent over five years collating and submitting evidential documentation for the use of safety monitoring in care homes after her own loved one suffered negative care experiences. Jayne saw that the sector had incredible, dedicated staff  working within it but were often overworked and unsupported.  The evidence installing safety monitoring saw NHS and care home cost savings,  safeguarding reductions, the agency spends reduction, assistance with staff disciplinaries, quality monitoring daily, improved inspection report outcomes - as well as a commercial value too. CCFTV gained the support of notable MP’s taking our safety monitoring in care to Westminster calling it  “persuasive”. CCFTV has a voluntary advisory team ranging from CEO’s Care Providers to dementia care trainers and raises national awareness to elderly social care issues by commenting in the News/TV/Radio and speaking at Care Shows/events/colleges. Our support to families include working alongside  CCG/ Multi agencies /adult safeguard teams. 


 CCFTV involvement has sought re- investigations , attends  Court of Protection hearings, Coroner courts , best interest, review and  /DST meetings, while helping to influence the care sector to practice a safer more open and transparent caring environment. Advising NHS and care providers - having worked with NHS Croydon Hospital on their Dementia Care Strategy. CCFTV allows families and carers that contact us, a voice.  Jayne is a passionate fundraiser for dementia charities taking on challenges, raising nearly £10,000 to date.  CCFTV is dedicated in championing the best and safest care to elderly who live with dementia. 

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